About speaker
Software Engineer @ Restate
I’m a Software Engineer and OSS enthusiast based in Berlin working at Restate. I love to shape developer experiences, while getting my hands dirty with package dissectors. My main tech stacks are Rust, JVM and Golang.
About speakers company
We help people build distributed systems with ease, thanks to our Durable Execution engine called Restate.
Developing applications in a microservice architecture is hard. For all the benefits that it brings over monolithic application architectures, they expose developers to all sorts of tough distributed systems problems, making it non-trivial to build applications that are consistent, scalable, and resilient.
Durable Execution can help with this. Durable Execution is gaining traction as a tool for improving application resiliency. There are multiple frameworks popping up that approach this idea from different angles (e.g. Temporal, Restate, …). Most of them use a central log to track execution progress. This talk will use Restate as a Durable Execution Engine but the ideas can be extrapolated to the other technologies.
Durable Execution can benefit multiple sides of applications. We will go through a few examples to give the audience a well rounded understanding of how they could speed up and harden their own applications with Durable Execution. We will cover aspects like concurrency, application state consistency, scalability, recovery, idempotency, and observability.
Wouldn't it be great if you could stop worrying about all possible failure scenarios and race conditions in your applications such as charging customers twice, users withdrawing more cash than they have, and selling a single ticket multiple times?
In the recent years, a new kid has appeared on the block of microservice orchestration: Durable Execution Engines. These engines persist the progress of code execution across services and time. They use this information to drive retries and recovery, and to ensure that code always runs till completion. Services that have Durable Execution enabled, can recover themselves to the exact point they were before a failure. Having this durability layer, speeds up the development of resilient applications.
In this talk, we will discuss how you can use Durable Execution to harden your applications in a few key areas: workflows, asynchronous tasks, microservice orchestration, and event processing. We will demonstrate each concept with live code examples, using Restate as the Durable Execution Engine.
The Program Committee has not yet taken a decision on this talk
Tadeh Hakopian
Alina Krasavina
Delivery hero
Neel Bhatt
Ambesh Singh
Visionet Systems Deutschland
Geetha Anne
Temporal Technologies
Vijaykumar Jangamashetti
Joachim Aumann
Amazon Web Services
Federico Fregosi
Joachim Aumann
Amazon Web Services
Joachim Aumann
Amazon Web Services
Ivan Koveshnikov
Utku Özdemir
Sidero Labs
Viktor Vedmich
Amazon Web Services
Vamsi Krishna Rao
Andrei Kvapil (kvaps)
Adrian Kodja
softgarden e-recruiting GmbH
Mons Anderson
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