About speaker
Head of a Presales Team, Qrator Labs. Graduate of the Yerevan State University Faculty of Mechanics. Responsible for design and implementation of technically complex projects to ensure continuous availability of Internet services for customers and partners.
About speakers company
Qrator Labs is an acknowledged expert in Continuous Network Availability offering various Network security services to ensure safe Internet and continuous DDoS mitigation for businesses worldwide. Qrator Labs unique anycast architecture provides a reliable geo-distributed, low latency web app protection platform across the North and South America, Europe, Middle East and Asia with filtering bandwidth capacity more than 4 000 Gbps and 15 points of presence worldwide.
In this presentation I’m going to explore the proper implementation of a multi-layered defence against application-level (L7) DDoS and other threats.
There's a common misconception about multi-layer protection. Many believe it simply means stacking several similar boxes from different vendors, thinking this variety alone constitutes a multi-layered defence. They assume that what one device fails to detect or block, the next one will handle.
After the presentation, the listener will learn:
- the right approach to defining layers in web application defence,
- why each layer requires its own specialized protective technology,
-why a collection of similar boxes does not constitute effective multi-layer protection,
- and finally, why there’s no all-in-one solution that solves all the problems at once,
- and most importantly, how not to build an architecture for protecting web applications from external threats.
To achieve this goal, I divided the presentation into several parts as follows:
1. Defining the levels of protection required for web applications:
- First, we have to defend against application-level (L7) DDoS attacks.
- Next, there's protection against unwanted/malicious bots.
- Finally, we address threats from individuals trying to hack into the system.
To better understand why this distinction is important, I discuss each threat category in more detail.
2. Application level DDoS
- About slow attacks using Slowlorris as an example
- About massive botnets as a Meris
- And about haktivism, example, attacks on Sony's PlayStation Network.
- Summarising, with a description of the characteristics of Լ7 DDoS attacks
- How to counter against L7 DDoS
3. Unwanted Bot Activity:
- Identification of unwanted bot behavior and its implications for online platforms.
- Examples of main unwanted bot activities: Scraping, Brute-force, SMS bombing, etc.
- Summarising, with a detail description of the characteristics unwanted Bot Activity.
- How do you defend against bots?
4. Hacking Attempts:
- Overview of hacking attempts targeting the application layer. This is a broad topic, so I'm going to provide just a brief overview here.
- The most important point here is that these attacks differ significantly from both DDoS and bots in terms of their main characteristics. Description of the characteristics of Hacking Attempts.
- What protection should we use in this case? The first option that comes to mind is a WAF, but WAF cover most vulnerabilities, but not all.
The key point is that while a WAF is a valuable tool but to truly minimise the risk of web application hacking, secure development practices must be the starting point.
5. Conclusion:
- The key conclusion is that there is no one universal tool that can protect a web application from all threats. As demonstrated, defending against a variety of threats requires multi-layered defenses, with each layer targeting a specific type of threat.
-Metaphor - the comparison between all-in-one printers and specialized devices.
6. Q&A
The Program Committee has not yet taken a decision on this talk
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DevOps Consultant
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Percona, Coroot
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