
Continuous Cost Optimization - deep dive into how you can lower your cloud bill

Martin Hauskrecht

from Labyrinth Labs (Bratislava)

About speaker

Currently working as a Head of Engineering at Labyrinth Labs and the curator of the TLDR DevOps newsletter. My main focus is building resilient and highly scalable infrastructures and cloud-native platforms in AWS and Azure using Kubernetes and/or Serverless technologies.

About speakers company

Labyrinth Labs is a company focusing on designing and implementing cloud native infrastructures using Kubernetes and Serverless. Our main focus is AWS and with the use of our Cloud Native platform - LARA - we help clients to become cloud native and future ready.



In this talk, I'll share strategies for Cloud Cost Optimization, discuss different approaches, their complexities and benefits. Cost optimization is a process that we continuously undergo for our clients. Over the time, we’ve encountered many interesting usecases that we’d like to share. From the more obvious ones as Reservations, Spot instances to lesser known facts such as implementing alternative backend engines, to utilizing open-source projects such as kube-green or AlterNAT to lower your cloud bill without compromising on performance or efficiency.

The Program Committee has not yet taken a decision on this talk

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