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Developer Advocate
Years of experience in software engineering and the team's leading roles combined with his passion for Java made Pasha know all the hidden details in this IT niche.
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Docker is the cornerstone of today's development! Let's overview quickly how we use it in JVM development, and then transition to practical examples. We will start with a simple Docker image containing a popular "one fat JAR" and look into its downsides (deployment speed, traffic volume). To address them, we will discuss the strategy of splitting the JAR into multiple layers and using multistage Dockerfiles, gradually improving our image. Join me to learn how to build the ultimate Docker image for Spring applications.
Docker is the cornerstone of today's development! Let's overview quickly how we use it in JVM development, and then transition to practical examples. We will start with a simple Docker image containing a popular "one fat JAR" and look into its downsides (deployment speed, traffic volume). To address them, we will discuss the strategy of splitting the JAR into multiple layers and using multistage Dockerfiles, gradually improving our image. Join me to learn how to build the ultimate Docker image for Spring applications.
The Program Committee has not yet taken a decision on this talk
Opemipo Disu
Alexandre Gallice
Red Hat
Ambesh Singh
Visionet Systems Deutschland
Vadzim Prudnikau
Mariia Bulycheva
Shelly Goldblit
Dell Technologies
Fabien Vauchelles
Katharina Fetzer
hylane GmbH
Sivan Biham
Pradeep Sharma
Federico Fregosi
Siddhant Agarwal
Vadzim Prudnikau
Lara Mossler
Ambesh Singh
Visionet Systems Deutschland
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