
Kubernetes Performance Tuning Workshop

Ant(on) Weiss

from PerfectScale (Israel)

About speaker

20 years in tech, marketing and leadership roles. All about software delivery optimization. 5 years in technical and executive training. Expert in DevOps, Lean, Systems Thinking, Continuous Delivery, Cloud Native and Decentralized Systems. Coder, speaker, writer.

About speakers company

Autonomous Kubernetes Optimization



Kubernetes resource allocation and performance tuning is not a walk in the park.
In this workshop we'll discuss and get hands on with:
- Allocating resources to our workloads
- Defining sane LimitRanges and ResourceQuotas
- Understanding VPA recommendations
- Balancing resource cost with resilience
- Defining scaling factors
- Looking at additional recommendation and performance tuning techniques.

Practical Kubernetes knowledge is a pre-requirement.

The Program Committee has not yet taken a decision on this talk

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