About speaker
Team Lead and Tech Lead of IaaS team in cloud platform VK Cloud, OpenZFS contributor.
Enjoyer of SDS and SDN cloud-scale development.
About speakers company
VK Cloud is a platform with a wide range of cloud services designed to ensure efficient development and data management for companies of any size that build cloud IT solutions. VK Cloud is a part of VK Tech solution portfolio based on many years of experience in developing open-source Internet services and technologies. VK Cloud offers infrastructure and platform services, expert support, Private Cloud installations, and also helps migrate to the cloud.
The world is not ideal - any large system consists of many separate subsystems.
We cannot control all of them during development and expluatation at once.
And according to Murphy's law, if anything can go wrong, it WILL go wrong.
When applied to the creation of distributed systems, this means that absolutely everything may and will break someday.
And in such conditions, we need to develop software that does not require constant attention from its creator.
We'll speak about the practices and our experience of creating software with self-healing based on the principles of closed loop automation
(at last, let's talk about the reasons for the stability of kubernetes),
compare it with the event-based approach that is common in the industry,
and honestly admit that the employer will have increased resources overhead and spent money at the expense of our good night’s sleep.