Exness is the world’s largest retail broker with an international team of approximately 2000 people, a third of whom work in engineering, data, and cybersecurity. Our goal is to develop exceptional products to help experienced traders trade various assets with better-than-market conditions.
Gold partner XM is a leading forex broker and #1 in @Cyprus’ Best Workplaces™ list three
years running with a global team of 1,200+ professionals and cutting-edge services that reach
10+ million clients. XM will be at Tech Internals with a must-visit booth and cool surprises
beyond the usual giveaways!
GlobalDots, a 20-year leader in cloud innovation, connects businesses with top cloud and security tech. Expert-led, we offer seamless innovation adoption for operational excellence and growth.
Women in Tech Cyprus is an international community of women in tech, based in Cyprus, the official chapter of Women in Tech® Global. Our goal is to create and foster a safe and supportive community for empowering and educating women in tech, helping them grow professionally and personally, providing role models, sharing experiences and accomplishments, networking, and inspiring each other.
With over 300 members, TechIsland stands as the largest tech association in Cyprus. Founded in 2021, its mission is to transform Cyprus into a tech hub and a world-class destination for businesses, highly skilled tech professionals, and entrepreneurs.
Tech Internals Conf is the largest conference for developers of complex and highly loaded systems
Participation options
The price is soaring —> the closer the conference is, the more it costs.
The current price of a ticket is —> 580 EUR
If you have any questions you can reach out to our support service —> support@internals.tech
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Professional conference for developers of high-load systems