About us

Tech Internals Conf is the largest conference for developers of complex and high loaded systems

We are the team behind Tech Internals Conference and an IT community. We’ve spent 20 years organizing professional events for IT developers. During this time, we held 22 conferences in 3 countries and 5 cities. Our main agenda is to create a platform for developers of complex systems that will allow them to share their experience and connect with other like-minded people. Our community includes 1600+ speakers from all over the world who are always ready to share what is really going on with large projects behind closed doors. They are not afraid to talk about the issues and failures they’ve had to overcome and how they’ve managed to deal with the lack of time or resources. Our conferences serve as the source of knowledge, experience, and inspiration for our guests, helping the global IT community achieve new goals.

Tech Internals Conference is a conference for developers of complex and high loaded systems from all over the world. We won’t bother you with lectures about time managements or read out walls upon walls of boring text that you can easily google yourself. And out Program Committee is very strict about vetting out promotional talks. No, Tech Internals Conference will include only real life cases and tools you can use in your work while also leaving plenty of time for networking with like-minded professionals. It’s up to you to decide what you come to the conference for, but you can rest assured that we will provide lots of opportunities for sharing your knowledge, finding new ideas, and meeting new colleagues from all over the globe.