Operating Microservices At Scale: Special Track At Tech Internals Conf 2024

Dear friends!

We hope this message finds you well. We're excited to share an opportunity to deepen your knowledge and network with industry leaders at the upcoming Tech Internals Conf 2024, scheduled for April 19 in Limassol, Cyprus.

We've collaborated with our partner Exness to bring you a special track: Operating Microservices At Scale.

In 2024, Kubernetes is your new operating system. What's left of Linux in contemporary DevOps and DevSecOps practices is basically just the kernel, meaning that the approach to managing your systems and services needs to change as well. And even with the kernel, some habits need a change.

This section aims to highlight some of the crucial areas where most companies and projects might benefit from improvements. Ordinary software deployment, testing, monitoring, and securing the system - the entire production pipeline needs new tools, new processes, and new mindset. We want to help engineers to shorten the learning curve and embrace this mindset and the tools.

We have gathered expert researchers in these areas. Feel welcome to listen to their topics, to reuse the content to improve your infrastructure projects, and to discuss your own experience in the hallway.

Schedule of the track

10:00 Container and Kubernetes: modern attacks and mitigations
Artem Bachevsky from Independent Researcher (Kyrgyzstan)

11:10 Securing Kubernetes: why you should master the Admission Control
Roman Levkin from Exness (Limassol)

12:20 Ozon Performance Testing Service - HighLoad by Schedule
Ivan Prihodko from Ozon Tech

13:30 Linux system calls analyzing with Falco. Tips and tricks
Artem Mishchenko from inDrive (Limassol)

14:40 GitOPS: View from a security perspective
Aleksandr Sungurov from Exness (Limassol) 

At the conference, you can meet our other partner, GlobalDots, in the exhibition area.


GlobalDots, a 20-year leader in cloud innovation, connects businesses with top cloud and security tech. Expert-led, we offer seamless shortcuts to adopting innovation for operational excellence and growth. 

We look forward to seeing you at the Tech Internals Conf 2024!