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Technical Lead @softgarden | FCTO | Mentor | Software Crafter
I'm Adrian Kodja, a dedicated Tech Lead with a deep passion for software craftsmanship and continuous improvement.
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Most Spring Boot applications blur the line between the core domain and infrastructure layers, leading to tightly coupled systems that are difficult to maintain over time. In this talk, I will show how to implement Hexagonal Architecture in Spring Boot the right way—fully separating the core domain, application, and infrastructure layers, ensuring long-term scalability and maintainability.
While Hexagonal Architecture has gained popularity in recent years, many implementations in Spring Boot still blur the lines between core domain logic and infrastructure. It’s common to see Spring entities and JPA dependencies injected into domain layers, leading to a lack of true separation and diminished long-term maintainability. This talk will provide a real-world example of how to achieve a fully decoupled Hexagonal Architecture in Spring Boot, with a strict separation between the core domain, application, and infrastructure layers.
I will also demonstrate how Spring Boot’s flexibility makes it easy to implement CQRS (Command Query Responsibility Segregation), where the application layer efficiently handles commands and queries without compromising the domain model. Attendees will gain insights into building scalable, maintainable applications in Spring Boot, leveraging best practices that are rarely seen in online examples.
The Program Committee has not yet taken a decision on this talk
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