About speaker
Founder and CEO at Scarf
Avi Press is a developer tool author, and functional programming language enthusiast, serving as a founder & CEO of Scarf.
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Uncover hidden insights from package and container registries in this enlightening talk! Learn what lies beyond simple download counts as we delve into the types of data captured by major registries like Docker Hub and GitHub Container Registry.
Container registries typically provide maintainers with the total download count of their images, but what additional information and insights lie beyond that number? This talk delves into precisely this question, discussing the motivations behind the quest for such data and presenting technical methods for its collection. We will examine the inner workings of container registries, such as Docker Hub and GitHub Container Registry, exploring the types of data these registries can capture. Additionally, we will discuss potential analytics that can be derived from this data, highlighting its practical utility. Lastly, we will outline how this information can benefit your project and share ways to acquire it.
The Program Committee has not yet taken a decision on this talk
Ambesh Singh
Visionet Systems Deutschland
Vadzim Prudnikau
Alexandre Gallice
Red Hat
Siddhant Agarwal
Fabien Vauchelles
Ambesh Singh
Visionet Systems Deutschland
Shelly Goldblit
Dell Technologies
Lara Mossler
Katharina Fetzer
hylane GmbH
Sivan Biham
Opemipo Disu
Pradeep Sharma
Mariia Bulycheva
Federico Fregosi
Vadzim Prudnikau
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