About speaker
I am a senior software architect with 20+ years' experience passionate about technology, cloud and development. Throughout my career,I have designed, built and managed systems from small to large in various business contexts such as insurance, financial services or mobility industries.
About speakers company
Worldline is the leader in the Payment Industry in Europe. We are shaping a new world of payments and trusted transactions. With our advanced payments technology, local payments expertise and solutions customised for hundreds of markets and industries, we are helping millions of businesses of all sizes to realise their ambitions – faster, simpler and more securely.
When we want to publish APIs, for instance using an API Management solution, we regularly think about versioning.
This practice meets project management needs but brings a lot of complexity.
Imagine, you work on a platform which exposes APIs to many customers.
You must bring new features while controlling the existing ones.
Which strategy to adopt? What are the potential technical tools and practices we could implement easily?
During this presentation, you will unlock the secrets of API versioning I have put in place and helped me during my last projects.
Through a real-life use case based on a microservices architecture, we will define the best strategy to put in place, the other potential ones and their constraints.
At the end of this presentation, we will have the big picture on the diverse ways of APIs versioning.
The talk was revoked
Utku Özdemir
Sidero Labs
Neel Bhatt
Tadeh Hakopian
Joachim Aumann
Amazon Web Services
Alina Krasavina
Delivery hero
Joachim Aumann
Amazon Web Services
Mons Anderson
Adrian Kodja
softgarden e-recruiting GmbH
Federico Fregosi
Andrei Kvapil (kvaps)
Vijaykumar Jangamashetti
Vamsi Krishna Rao
Ivan Koveshnikov
Joachim Aumann
Amazon Web Services
Ambesh Singh
Visionet Systems Deutschland
Geetha Anne
Temporal Technologies
Viktor Vedmich
Amazon Web Services
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