
Continuous Profiling on K8s - why, when and how

Ant(on) Weiss

from PerfectScale (Israel)

About speaker

20 years in tech, marketing and leadership roles. All about software delivery optimization. 5 years in technical and executive training. Expert in DevOps, Lean, Systems Thinking, Continuous Delivery, Cloud Native and Decentralized Systems. Coder, speaker, writer.

About speakers company

Autonomous Kubernetes Optimization



In order to truly optimize our code we need to be able to observe its behavior in production. Once we identify inefficiencies we need to drill further down to find the actual bottlenecks - the functions and memory allocations that are costly and slow. And get that information back to the developer's desktop for continuous optimization.
Exactly for that high granularity analysis we need the practice of continuous profiling with periodical sampling of code execution and making it accessible to engineers and usable for Profile Guided Optimization.
In the talk we'll go over the leading code profiling tools, practices and formats and see how to implement continuous profiling in a Kubernetes cluster.

The Program Committee has not yet taken a decision on this talk