About speaker
Co-author of 'Coaching for Learning' and 'Creating your Dojo' - helping teams learn to learn, make work easier, and deliver better products.
About speakers company
Helps organizations with product modernization
This session goes into techniques to either help teams realign their architecture with their product needs or set up the appropriate modularity to start.
We go over what strategic DDD is, why it is interesting / what problems it solves, and then go through an example with an organization with a 20year old product that evolved from 1 team to 14 teams (all while shipping less frequently) - and how DDD changed that.
From there we introduce C4 modeling in the context of product. This allows a consistent goal of the product while giving the appropriate freedom for team / modularity architecture as well as integration patters. We also address how archtiecture affects planning.
Lastly, we wrap up with architectural decision records for teams to keep track of the context and tradeoffs of their decisions.
Systems grow and change over time. You can have intentional design, or accidental design.
In this session we will walk through approaches that leverage product context to keep architecture aligned with the needs of the product. We will look at strategic DDD, C4 modeling, and architecture decision records.
Leave this session with simple techniques that you can apply immediately to start blending product with architecture.
The Program Committee has not yet taken a decision on this talk
Alina Krasavina
Delivery hero
Ivan Koveshnikov
Adrian Kodja
softgarden e-recruiting GmbH
Geetha Anne
Temporal Technologies
Vijaykumar Jangamashetti
Federico Fregosi
Joachim Aumann
Amazon Web Services
Ambesh Singh
Visionet Systems Deutschland
Joachim Aumann
Amazon Web Services
Neel Bhatt
Tadeh Hakopian
Mons Anderson
Andrei Kvapil (kvaps)
Joachim Aumann
Amazon Web Services
Utku Özdemir
Sidero Labs
Vamsi Krishna Rao
Viktor Vedmich
Amazon Web Services
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