We need your help with the Tech Internals Conf in 26-27 February 2025

Hey, there!

We’re thrilled to announce that all videos from the Tech Internals Conf 2024 Cyprus are now available for purchase! This playlist features over 20 talks, each presenting solutions to real problems. Dive into the most pressing and relevant topics in the industry:

  • Architecture, DevOps & SRE
  • QA & Performance Testing
  • AI & Data Engineering
  • Security Software Engineering
  • Monitoring & Tracing
  • And more

Buy the videos here

Tech Internals Conf

Here is the list of top 10 talks:

  1. Talos Linux: You don't need an operating system, you only need Kubernetes — Andrei Kvapil (Ænix)
  2. Debugging decoupled applications with microservices using OpenTelemetry — Alexey Korepov
  3. Sandboxing in Linux with zero lines of code — Ignat Korchagin (Cloudflare)
  4. Transaction security for cryptocurrency services: why and how? — Dmitry Golubev (Stasis)
  5. Under the hood of Amazon Aurora Limitless: scaling a relational DB for millions of writes — Viktor Vedmich, Mike Golubev (Amazon Web Services)
  6. Securing Kubernetes: why you should master Admission Control — Roman Levkin (Exness)
  7. Ozon Performance Testing Service — HighLoad by Schedule — Ivan Prihodko (Ozon Tech)
  8. Offensive Azure Security — Sergey Chubarov
  9. Profile — Guided Optimization (PGO): (Ab)using it for fun and profit — Alexander Zaitsev
  10. YDB vs. TPC — C: the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly behind High — Performance Benchmarking — Evgenii Ivanov (Yandex Infrastructure)

Honorable mention: Introvert — Friendly Guide to Personal Branding — Gala Grigoreva (Women in Tech, Adsterra) We hope you find lots of valuable insights in these videos! 🙌

Looking ahead, we are excited to start planning the Tech Internals Conference 2025 in Berlin, and we need your help to make it extraordinary! We want to hear from you about the topics and challenges that matter most to you. Your input will help us craft an outstanding and relevant program.

Share your thoughts here

Your feedback is invaluable to us. Thank you for your participation and support!

Best regards,
Tech Internals Team