About speaker
Enterprise Integration Architect & Azure Cloud Solutions Architect
With a deep passion for Cloud technology since 2012, I have extensive experience in IT, Architecture, and Leadership, particularly with Microsoft Azure, .NET, Dynamics, and Power Platform.
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In an era where efficient communication is crucial, managing high volumes of emails in shared inboxes has become a significant challenge for many organizations. This session will present a compelling case study from an insurance company that overcame this hurdle by implementing a no-code solution using Azure AI Language Studio and Logic Apps. The focus will be on how Named Entity Recognition (NER) and Text Classification were leveraged to streamline the email triage process, resulting in improved operational efficiency and reduced backlogs.
In this session, we'll delve into how to streamline email management using Azure AI Language Studio and Logic Apps, with a special emphasis on a no-code approach.
Managing large volumes of emails in shared inboxes can be a major challenge for organizations, leading to inefficiencies and delays. We'll showcase a real-world case study from an insurance company that successfully implemented a no-code solution. Using Named Entity Recognition (NER) for data extraction and Text Classification for precise email routing, the company significantly improved its email triage process.
This hands-on demo will walk you through practical, no-code steps—from configuring Logic Apps to utilizing Azure AI for advanced text analysis. Whether you're in insurance or another industry, join us to learn how to create a scalable, efficient email management solution without writing a single line of code.
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Ambesh Singh
Visionet Systems Deutschland
Ambesh Singh
Visionet Systems Deutschland
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Siddhant Agarwal
Alexandre Gallice
Red Hat
Mariia Bulycheva
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