About speaker
Senior Software Engineer Specializing in Modern C++, ISO-CPP/WG21 Standards Committee, Technical Speaker, Senior Conference Advisor.
About speakers company
This talk will examine the internal C++ mechanisms around the topics of:
o The C++ onion as it relates to construction, destruction and polymorphism,
o Order of object construction & destruction, and pre- & post-main() processing.
o Member Function Pointers (not your father’s C function pointer),
o Member Data Pointers (not raw pointers) (data-morphic functionality),
o Understanding the Call Stack, Stack Frames and Base Pointer mechanisms.
The Program Committee has not yet taken a decision on this talk
Vadzim Prudnikau
Sivan Biham
Siddhant Agarwal
Alexandre Gallice
Red Hat
Ambesh Singh
Visionet Systems Deutschland
Federico Fregosi
Katharina Fetzer
hylane GmbH
Opemipo Disu
Vadzim Prudnikau
Mariia Bulycheva
Lara Mossler
Pradeep Sharma
Fabien Vauchelles
Shelly Goldblit
Dell Technologies
Ambesh Singh
Visionet Systems Deutschland
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